Using a Research Log
Anyone conducting genealogical research should make use of a research log, every time they research. Logs are not only for professional...
Anyone conducting genealogical research should make use of a research log, every time they research. Logs are not only for professional...
Interested in DNA testing for ethnicity estimate purposes? Check out my write-up below. 8 Bettinger, “Autosomal-DNA (atDNA) Testing,” p....
The reasons why people begin family history research are vast, but I am interested in you. What reasons have interested you about...
I would like to thank Dr. Bruce Durie for his illuminating, highly educational and entertaining class "Scottish Family History Research:...
There are so many new and exciting things happening in the world of genealogy currently, that it is actually hard to keep track. If you...
What is family? What is heritage? What is culture? These are some of the things we may seek and are sometimes lucky enough to find when...
According to an article entitled "10 Oldest Cities in the United States," posted on ThoughtCo., the oldest cities in our country, along...
Total fangirl moment while visiting the local family history center last week and tonight. Have you been to a family his library or...
In 1817, Thomas Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc founded the Hartford Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb.[1] It...
What is the best thing you have discovered while researching your family history?
What family tree software do you use and why? I use MacFamilyTree, Family Tree Maker and Legacy. #familytreesoftware #genealogysoftware...
Happy Cousins Day, July 24th, from Awes of Inheritance: Family History Services #cousins #cousinsday #nationalcousinsday...
My grandaunt, Josephine Pucillo, was born today, 13 June, in 1932.
The results are in! The best part is the specific areas of Finland. If you need help with DNA testing, or making use of your matches or...
My great-grandfather, James Addison Austin was born today, May 7th, in 1896 in Rockport, Ohio County, Kentucky. He was the son of Addison...
On May 2, 1670, Charles II of England provided the Hudson Bay Company with a charter permitting them to conduct fur trading with...
This is one of my very few photos of my paternal great-grandparents, Nicola aka Nicholas (one of my namesakes) and Maria Savina (DiPaolo)...
Go to FamilySeach’s Facebook page for information on educational webinars on DNA to be held tomorrow in honor of DNA day. If you need...
In continuation of Scottish heritage month, I would like to remember the Battle of Culloden on it's 275th anniversary. This was...
National Siblings Day, also called Siblings Day, is celebrated April 10th in the United states and and Canada. There is also a Brothers...