Happy Birthday
Two days ago, on October 6th, it would have been my maternal great-grandfather's 121st birthday. His name was Ludwig Köhler. He was born...
Two days ago, on October 6th, it would have been my maternal great-grandfather's 121st birthday. His name was Ludwig Köhler. He was born...
On this second day of Hannukah, I would like to ask, what does Hannukah mean to you?
What is family? What is heritage? What is culture? These are some of the things we may seek and are sometimes lucky enough to find when...
What is the best thing you have discovered while researching your family history?
Happy Cousins Day, July 24th, from Awes of Inheritance: Family History Services #cousins #cousinsday #nationalcousinsday...
To all Fathers, happy Father’s Day from Awes of Inheritance: Family History Services.
My grandaunt, Josephine Pucillo, was born today, 13 June, in 1932.
My great-grandfather, James Addison Austin was born today, May 7th, in 1896 in Rockport, Ohio County, Kentucky. He was the son of Addison...
On May 2, 1670, Charles II of England provided the Hudson Bay Company with a charter permitting them to conduct fur trading with...
This is one of my very few photos of my paternal great-grandparents, Nicola aka Nicholas (one of my namesakes) and Maria Savina (DiPaolo)...
National Siblings Day, also called Siblings Day, is celebrated April 10th in the United states and and Canada. There is also a Brothers...
We are going to follow along the process of DNA testing with an AncestryDNA test. I am not affiliated with Ancestry or AncestryDNA in any...
Happy Mother’s Day today to all the mums in the the UK today! Hope you have a wonderful, relaxing, enjoyable day. Do you have relative...
On this day in 1933, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave his first radio address to the nation, which were later termed fireside...
International Women's Day (IWD), a worldwide holiday, annually celebrated March 8, has its earliest origins reaching back to February 28,...
Genealogy is so very many things, especially to different people. However, for those who may just beginning their journey or are curious...
Today's blog post has been inspired by a neat booklet found with my maternal grandmother's photographs. The booklet is about the ski...
I guess my post from yesterday has me feeling nostalgic. Today, I suggest creating a time capsule. Create a glimpse into life today with...
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